Family Reunion By Design / by Jerry Johnson

As many of my readers/friends already know, I’ve done lots of designing for family throughout the years. I particularly love designing for the Bentley Family reunions. At a minimum, reunions require promotion, advertising, save-the-date reminders, emails, correspondence, and much more. Since all this needs to be done, why not go ahead and brand it and make it a real campaign full of LOTS of cohesively designed pieces.

This was the general typographical concept for the themed Reunion.

Due to COVID 19 our traditional triennial family event was postponed by an additional two years so it had been five (5) years since our previous gathering. It was so great to finally be together again!

There were over 100 family attendees this year. This is just our “clan”—generational offspring from Pete and Twila Bentley of Laverne, Oklahoma. This was the “serious” pic. You should see the “silly” pose.

Like all the prior reunions, this one needed to be themed and branded before the designing could occur. The “Bentley Family” has had a long heritage of playing card games while gathering together—young and old. The most popular game through the years has been Rook with other card games like Pitch, Hand and Foot, and others following behind. When imagining the theme for this reunion we kept coming back to the game of Rook and decided to go all in and—”SHOOT THE MOON”! If you don’t know what that means, in the game of Rook it means that you are bidding to win every single “trick” in one hand. It’s rare but possible with great reward if achieved!

Since our reunions are typically three years apart, we have ample time to set them up, right? It takes lots of planning by several kinfolk to pull this off successfully. Folks always come through! I typically volunteer to do design as needed simply because I love design and mostly because I really, REALLY love the Bentley Family (my wife’s heritage). Below are some snaps of the event provided by a few family members. It was an awesome and meaningful time and I’m so glad to be a part of this ever-growing Bentley Family!!! FAMILY is definitely worth DESIGNING FOR!

In the same way, though there are many of us, we are one body in Christ, and individually we belong to each other.
— ROMANS 12:5

Take a moment and scan through the variety of design pieces below.